Economics, Technology & Regeneration Consultants
Airport, airport related development and wider aviation industry appraisal and economic impact experience
Adroit team members have undertaken a broad range of airport, airport related development and wider aviation industry assignments…..examples include
· Assessing the business benefits and business case for deployment of advanced satellite navigation services across South Africa’s airports, aerodromes and airfields, for the UK Space Agency
· Manchester Airports Group – development of car parking strategy
· Glasgow Airport Barr Construction – Feasibility of new car park provision
· Edinburgh Airport – Potential to attract international HQ offices
· Dublin Airport – feasibility of Metropark a new major mixed use development of 200 acres between the airport and the city
· Economic Appraisal of Finningley Airport (Peel Holdings) – now Robin Hood Airport
· Economic Impact of the proposed new airport at Cliffe in Kent (Private client)
· Economic Impact of Airport Expansion Proposals on Warwickshire (Warwickshire CC)
· Airport related development opportunities around East Midlands Airport
· Re-use/redevelopment strategies for a number of former disused RAF/USAF airbases in East Anglia and Eastern Scotland
· Review of recent and future developments in the drone/UAV sector and the applications of and benefits to different industry sectors, for UK Space Agency, as part of wider study