Economics, Technology & Regeneration Consultants
Adroit offers expertise across the life-cycles of strategies, programmes and projects:
Conceptualisation and strategy formulation
Market, economic and social research
Business case making, including options appraisal, economic impact, cost-benefit analysis and financial appraisal
Project and programme monitoring, interim and final evaluation
Since Adroit's inception in 2005, we have worked on some 120 assignments across a wide spectrum of fields, including:
We have considerable experience in the appraisal of, and developing business cases for, business incubators and business support programmes; in giving advice on best practice; and in undertaking interim and final evaluations, including assessing the impact and value for money of incubators and business support programmes
Assignments include internationalisation strategies for key university research teams; regional innovation system policy; appraisal and evaluation of specialist research and commercialisation support infrastructure and centres of excellence.
We work closely with a number of Sector Skills Councils helping them pilot new approaches to skills delivery, helping them prepare funding bids, undertaking interim and final evaluations and helping them model the economic impacts of addressing skills issues.
We are helping develop EU satellite broadband policy; we have developed models to assess the economic impact of faster broadband across the EU and its regions; we help develop regional and local broadband strategies, undertake options appraisals and evaluations.
We offer expertise in/ knowledge of issues that underpin smart cities and smart regions – digital connectivity, energy efficiency, renewable energy, science and technology research commercialisation, innovation and enterprise systems, competitive industry sectors ….so although we by no means know everything, we can probably help shed additional light on many topics you may be grappling with.
We have undertaken cost-benefit analysis of proposed regulatory policy changes across a variety of policy spectrums for UK Government Departments and other organisations.